13 febrero, 2008

Banda sonora

When it's not always raining
there'll be days like this
When there's noone complaining
there'll be days like this
Everything falls into phase
like the flick of a switch
Well my momma told me
there'll be days like this

When you don't need to worry
there'll be days like this
When noone's in a hurry
there'll be days like this
When you don't get betrayed
by that old Judas kiss
Oh my momma told me
there'll be days like this

When you don't need an answer
there'll be days like this
When you don't meet a chancer
there'll be days like this
When all the parts of the puzzle
start to look like they fit
Then I must remember
there'll be days like this

When everyone is upfront
and they're not playing tricks
When you don't have no freeloaders
out to get their kicks in
When it's nobody's business
the way that you wanna live
I just have to remember
there'll be days like this

When noone steps on my dreams
there'll be days like this
When people understand what I mean
there'll be days like this
When you bring out the changes
of how everything is
Well my momma told me
there'll be days like this

Oh my momma told me
there'll be days like this
Well my momma told me
there'll be days like this
Oh my momma told me
there'll be days like this
Oh my momma told me
there'll be days like this

5 comentarios:

Txapulín dijo...

Dies en què un se sent bé amb ell mateix...

... o ens has d'explicar alguna cosa?

S dijo...

Txapu, que no sé per on vas... no, no us haig d'explicar res, només que aquesta és una de les cançons que duc al reproductor de mp3, i m'agrada, em sol posar de bon humor... M'encanta la frase:

When all the parts of the puzzle
start to look like they fit

Quan comença a semblar que tot lliga, ja és bon senyal...

g-i-b-a dijo...

i ami també em sol posar de bon rotllo, llàstima que amb els gustos musicals l'albert i jo som bastant oposats, i Van Morrisson ha quedat relegat als moments que estic sola.
Torna ja, que et trobem a faltar!

Txapulín dijo...

Je, je, és que les meves amigues amb bloc em tenen mal acostumat, i si posen alguna cançó, sol ser amb missatge ocult. Ja veig que no és el cas.

Cançó de bon rotllo, en qualsevol cas.

S dijo...

Ei!! Jo tambe us trobo a faltar!! Els dies es fan eterns aqui a la uni sense la penya de l'espardenya! Pero nomes queda una setmana!!!